- omarreece | Changing the way we work, changing the way we lead…

Description: Changing the way we work, changing the way we lead...

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For this Father’s Day, I wanted to post the eulogy I had written about my Dad.

Every time a visitor backed out of Dr. Reece’s driveway at 219 South Russell in Ames, he would pretend it was an airplane backing away from the gate and he was the marshaller giving the signals and gestures, holding the imaginary flashlights, and moving his arms and hands to guide and shepherd the visitor towards a safe departure.  

And it wasn’t just visitors to the house that he guided.  Over the course of his 38-year teaching career, he guided over 2,000 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) students through his courses and in an academic advising capacity.  This role was so important to him that he took the time to get to know every advisee, where they were from, what their parents did, and why they were pursuing a vocation in Veterinary Medicine.  It was an honor that the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State named their acad