oliocuscina.com - Olio extravergine di oliva | Olio Biologico | Olio denocciolato | Cuscinà - Cuscina's Extra virgin Olive Oil - Organic - from Pi

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OIL IS HEALTH “ The only foodstuff that is rich in antioxidants (they fight cholesterol, stop the formation of cancer cells and prevent heart attacks) and in which there is a composition of saturated and moninsaturated fatty acids that is similar to that advised by researchers for daily diet is extra virgin olive oil ”. [Graziano Barbanti - “Extra virgin olive oil – Bodyguard for health protection” Ed. fotograf - only italian] Why we produce only olive oil form pitted olives? National research shows that th

* lower acidity and peroxide levels; * more polyphenolic (anti-oxidant) substances in the oil; * more resistance to oxidation and improved preservation of the oil over time; * more balanced oils with high presence of the characteristic aromatic substances.

Azienda Agricola Fatta M. Layla Sede legale: via Belgio, 8 - 90146 Palermo Sede operativa: SS 113 C/da Bosco Falconeria - Partinico (PA) [email protected] Tel. +39 3388552179 P.IVA 02825690825