oldsoultalks.com - Angela Kuper Copeland

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Most of us know there are some general no-no’s, foods we should limit or avoid to keep our bodies humming along optimally: fast food, fried foods, sugary drinks and so on. That’s the easy stuff. But can healthy foods – even so-called “superfoods” – be problematic? Can healthy food b e a devil in disguise for some people?

Depending on the context, you might think I’m high-energy, being the center of attention, telling jokes, and enjoying it. Or you might think I’m quite reserved , speaking when spoken to, and hanging on the perimeter of the action. In both instances, you’d be correct. I’m all of those things and everything between.

(Video Interview) Darlene Zwolinski took the leap to leave behind a lucrative computer engineering job to become a naturapath and acupuncturist. Her path was convoluted, but she knew she wanted to help people.