oklahomamechanicslien.com - Oklahoma Mechanics Lien & Auto Title Services

Description: When filing a worker’s lien or mechanic’s lien in any county in the State of Oklahoma, you can depend on the fast and accurate mechanics lien services of Houston Auto Appraisers.

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TIME FRAME The Oklahoma Mechanics Lien Foreclosure Process takes 60 Days before the Mechanic, the Possessory Lienholder or Statutory Lienholder may sell the vehicle to the highest bidder once notification from the County Tax Assessor Collector has approved all documents submitted and grants the Mechanic permission to sell the vehicle.

Pursuant under the State of Oklahoma Lien Foreclosure Procedure Law --- Notice of a Mechanic’s Lien Foreclosure shall be provided to all Owner(s), Renewal Recipient(s) Person(s) on the Work Order, and Lienholders(s) with interest in a vehicle subject to a mechanics lien foreclosure. Our IACP Certified Auto Appraisers at www.OklahomaMechanicsLien.com , a division of Houston Auto Appraisers, are highly trained to identify issues specifically related to your particular situation.

When filing a worker’s lien or filing a mechanic’s lien with the Tax Assessor-Collector of any county in the State of Oklahoma, you can depend on the fast and accurate mechanics lien services of Houston Auto Appraisers.