okacrl.org - OK-ACRL – Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Inc.

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The Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of Research and College Libraries (OK-ACRL) is a professional organization for all Oklahoma students, librarians, and individuals interested in academic librarianship. Membership in OK-ACRL is FREE.

Save the date! November 10, 2023

The office address of OK-ACRL occupies a portion of the traditional, ancestral lands of the HAsinai and OhCHAYtee ShaKOwi[n] nations, commonly called the Caddo and Sioux. This territory was also held for a time by the WahZHAzhe or Osage nation, and in the 1800s the OGAxpa (Quapaw) Kiikaapoi and Mvskoke were forcibly located here by the federal government.