ohshoulda.org - Mark Entrekin | Professional Speaker

Description: Mark Entrekin is a Professional Speaker, Business/Life Coach and Management Consultant with a superb background in creating growth. He also has excellent experience in designing, building and presenting solutions that utilize strategic management, personal relationships and in-depth communication. Our daily life is built on communication and the ability to understand each other. We can keep our problem or create a solution, let Mark help you Create Solutions One Reality at a Time.

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Mark Entrekin is a Coach, Professional Speaker, Agile Management Consultant, Sr. Agile Coach and Sr. Scrum Master.  He is known as a true solutions driver and achiever.

He brings over 20 years of tremendous, measurable experience as a positive, innovative, pull up his shirtsleeves, lead to success, solutions driven professional. This includes extensive knowledge in creating personal and professional climates that increase desire, commitment and motivation to succeed.

My Mission Statement is to live life as completely, honestly and compassionately as possible...