ohfx.ca - OhFx - Confetti and Streamers | Professional machines for CO2, Foam, smoke, Snow, Confetti, T-shirt launchers, fragances, SkyDan

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24 november 2016

DATA OF THE COMPANY In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce, below the identifying data of the company. Name: Oh!Fx The Lab of Emotions Company name: OH FX INTEL. THE LAB OF EMOTIONS, S.L. VAT: ES B-66783929 Registered Address: C/ Indústria, 4 - 08592 Sant Martí de Centelles, Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 93 8125572 E-mail address: [email protected] GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Access to and use of the website implies the express and full ac

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