ohcany.com - Oh Cany Productions

Description: Funny but crappy student films created by highschoolers from the Owego, NY area, most of which are improvisation. Oh Cany Productions -- where dreams are turned into crappy movies

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Welcome to Oh Cany Productions, where you can find some of the worst films ever committed to video in the history of mankind. Yes-- you've stumbled across Oh Cany Productions, where dreams are turned into into crappy movies!

Oh Cany Productions was formed by a group of bored highschool kids with video cameras in 2001 just for something to do. Since then, we've all gone to college, where we continued to make crappy movies, then graduated, and are *still* making crappy movies.

So now that you're here, you might as well sit back, relax, and watch our films! (You know you want to.)

Links to ohcany.com (3)