- Offshore Electronic

Description: Lord Jim Richard Blake, husband, aged 39 Laura Blake, wife, also known as Lollie Maurice Maurice Harry, Maurice's acquaintance, who uses the boat for his own purposes but does not live on board Grace Nenna James, mother Martha James, Nenna's teenage daughter, Offshore Electronics | Factory Insight, Offshore Electronics | Yamaha Z:LEX YSM20R Modular PNP, A day in the life offshore - Production Engineer | Trident Energy, Boat Electronics Setup + Finding and Catching Fish on Offshore Structure

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Electronic may refer to:

Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production, an electronic musician being a musician who composes and/or performs such music. In general a distinction can be made between sound produced using electromechanical means and that produced using electronic technology. Examples of electromechanical sound producing devices include the telharmonium , Hammond organ , and the electric guitar . Purely electronic sound production can be achieved

The first electronic devices for performing music were developed at the end of the 19th century, and shortly afterward Italian Futurists explored sounds that had previously not been considered musical. During the 1920s and 1930s, electronic instruments were introduced and the first compositions for electronic instruments were composed. By the 1940s, magnetic audio tape allowed musicians to tape sounds and then modify them by changing the tape speed or direction, leading to the development of electroacoustic