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Lughnasadh is one of four festivals celebrated by ancient European Celts. It was found in the famed Coligony calendar discovered in France in 1897 that dates back to the second century AD and divides the year into 4 parts.

It begins with Samhain on November 1st, marking the new year, three months later we have Imbolc which finishes the “dark” or “not good” seasons of the year. May 1st brings Bealtaine which is a “light” festival that welcomes summer. Lastly, on August 1st, we have Lugnasadh which honors the God/King/Warrior Lugh of the Long Hand.

Lugh is a major solar deity known for his multiple skills and competencies. Lugh is descended from two of the oldest tribes of Ireland, the Tuatha de Danann and the Fomarians. As a lover of justice, he decides to help the Tuatha escape the oppression of harsh laws and unfair taxation by the Fomarians.

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