ochanomizubunkasai.com - お茶の水文化祭|2024年12月14(土) @明治大学駿河台キャンパス

Description: お茶の水文化祭は、音楽家 宇崎竜童(明治大学特別功労者・法学部出身)、作詞家 阿木燿子(明治大学特別功労者・文学部出身)、お茶の水JAZZ祭実行委員会(楽友会:軽音楽サークルOB会等)が中心となり”母校の町への恩返し”と “ お茶の水の町おこし”をコンセプトにした音楽祭です。

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Ochanomizu Culture Festival

In Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, which is known as the center of Edo culture, the “Ochanomizu JAZZ Festival” has been held for 15 years as a festival that connects the towns of books, art, sports, and musical instruments, Ochanomizu and Kanda Jimbocho with music. We have held it step by step for 15 years steadily.

In the last 15 years, there have been many obstacles such as repeated postponements due to the effects of large typhoons and the “COVID-19 pandemic”.

Links to ochanomizubunkasai.com (1)