oceanscienceconsulting.gr - Ocean Science Consulting Greece

Description: Technology-focused marine science company involved principally in providing environmental services worldwide

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From sound science come wise decisions TM

Ocean Science Consulting Greece (OSC-GR) Ltd is the Mediterranean branch of Ocean Science Consulting (OSC) Ltd , a marine science consultancy specialised in providing marine mammal detection, and noise risk mitigation services to offshore industries worldwide.

","nextArrow":" ","autoplay":true,"autoplaySpeed":5000}' dir="ltr" data-typing="1"> New publication: Spatial Impact of Wind Farm Construction on Harbor Porpoise Detectability Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Setting of EU Threshold Values for underwater sound OSC & COP26 We’re hiring! Marine Acoustic Engineer Competitive edge OSC-GR benefits from OSC’s unrivalled reputation, comprehensive knowledge base, and extensive experience gained over more than a decade of supplying marine mammal mitigation servi

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