oceanrevolution.org - Ocean Revolution - Ocean Conservation, Indigenous Culture

Description: Ocean Revolution improves performance and social equity in ocean management using traditional and modern knowledge systems to define new conservation narratives

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Home Contact Us Mais Home Contact Us Home Contact Us Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Ocean Revolution Social About Us advocating for the human=ocean ecosystem effective interactions between indigenous people and other stakeholders makes the difference in the success or failure of oceans conservation. Community struggles with development or conservation schemes, when seen only as economic or environmental issues, overlooks

guarding biocultural diversity efficient applied ocean conservation utilizes the traditional knowledge of indigenous people, 21st century tools and the customary ocean practices of resource users to build a both-ways dialogue that ends with positive biological conservation and measurable advancement of human well-being 

changing conservation narratives  Since 2004 Ocean Revolution/Bitonga Divers has been working to improve performance and social equity in ocean management by studying and acting on the socio-economic implications of environmental change, development and conservation burdens on indigenous and marginalized communities.