oakcitylocksport.com - Welcome to the OCL Wiki - OCLWiki

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Oak City Locksport is the original Raleigh area lockpicking group, founded in 2010 by Katie (aka "sq33k"), and led today by Patrick (aka " unregistered436 "). We meet once a month to teach the community how to pick locks and share interesting projects, and provide educational hands-on activities at conferences called "Lockpick Villages". Our meeting schedule can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Oak-City-Locksport . Follow us on Mastodon or Twitter for other updates, and/or follow us on YouTube !

We're focused on fun and education! It's useful to learn about the relative security (or insecurity) of the locks we use in everyday life. More informed and educated consumers can make better choices regarding what they purchase to protect themselves and their families. There are many different variations of the saying, but "Locks are for honest people". A real criminal is more likely to break a window, use bolt cutters, or crash through a door.

We welcome newcomers to this hobby, and are more than willing to teach the basics to get you started. There are no startup costs or membership fees since we have "community" locks and picks, but most people end up buying their own materials once they're hooked! That said, we'll gladly accept donations to replace lost and damaged equipment from the regular wear and tear it receives at meetings and conferences that we have taught at. Most people pick up this hobby because locks are like little metal puzzles.

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