nykfil.com.ph - NYK-Fil Ship Management, Inc.

Description: NYK-Fil Ship Management, Inc.

nyk-fil website (1) nyk-fil ship management inc. (1)

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We value partnerships. The value of a partnership is something very close to our hearts. For the past two (2) decades, we have worked hard to nurture our relationship with our Principal, our hardworking Filipino seafarers, and their families.

Because of this, our company has emerged as one of the top providers of qualified Filipino seafarers to international-going vessels of NYK Line, one of the oldest and largest shipping companies in the world.

Today, our merchant marine officers and ratings (non-officers) are in majority of the NYK fleet. They operate and man modern and sophisticated ships that traverse the seas transporting goods and raw materials across continents.

Links to nykfil.com.ph (1)