- Nuttycombe Brewery – A world of Beers

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Nuttycombe Brewery pride itself on brewing exceptional quality beer that reflects the history and traditions of the brewing industry!

We prioritise the sourcing of the highest quality ingredients, placing a strong emphasis on local suppliers wherever possible. Ensuring traceability and maintaining our commitment to the environment is of the utmost importance to us. 

Cotleigh Brewery began life in Devon in 1979, in the old stable block of Cotleigh Farmhouse at Washfield near Tiverton. The original operation started as a five-barrel brewing plant, with Tawny being the first brew, and it has since remained one of the most popular beers in the South West. The immediate success saw Cotleigh move to the historic brewing town of Wiveliscombe, where they successfully brewed multiple award-winning beers until they closed their doors in 2021.

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