- Numerology Zen

Description: Numerology revealed, including Numerological Reading & Numerological Forecasts

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  Cycles of Life Challenges of Life Numerological Pinnacles Life Path The 4 Elements of Numerology Personal Year Essence Inclusion Number Cornerstone Letter Birthday Vibration First Name Number Astrological Houses Passing Letters Birthday Present Transit Magi Expression Number In-Depth Karma Numbers Composite Vibration Planes of Temperament Date Calculations FREE Daily Horoscopes Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces     - FREE - Chinese Zodiac find your si

The hidden meaning and power of numbers has been studied since ancient times. Just as astrologers use planets and signs of the zodiac to explore relationships and predict the future, so do numerologists when they use numbers in the same fashion.

Each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value , and each number is an energy source. It is the way these combine and relate to one another that determines how and why you are who you are and behave the way you do..

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