nshssfoundation.org - NSHSS Foundation: The National Society of High School Scholars Foundation | NSHSS Foundation

Description: The NSHSS Foundation fosters the growth of graduates enrolled in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), business, economics, public policy, and environmental science and sustainability fields.

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The NSHSS Foundation fosters the growth of graduates enrolled in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), business, economics, public policy, and environmental science and sustainability fields. Through special programs, including the NSHSS Honor Society, the NSHSS Foundation connects young scholars with additional opportunities to advance their education, personal growth and career interests.

"Youth represent 50% of the world population and 100% of our future. I challenge all young people to be environmental stewards within your community in order to make our world a better place. You are the leaders, problem solvers, visionaries, and minds of tomorrow. This is your world. What are you going to do to make it a better place?"

- Claes Nobel, senior member of the Nobel Prize family

Links to nshssfoundation.org (1)