nsguk.org - Chut ham'shulash | Threefoldcord

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The Nehemiah Threefold Cord Foundation (NTCF), or "Chut HaM'shulash" in Hebrew (Threefold Cord) was launched to build-up the community of Talmidei-Torah [students of the Torah] in the Land of Israel, and throughout the world. "Chut HaM'shulash" in Hebrew, is taken from the text of Kohelet [Eccl] 4:12, in which the narrator states that "one who attacks may defeat a loner, but two can resist him; and a three-stranded cord is not easily broken." The three cords represent community building blocks of...     • M

Chut HaM'shulash provides online opportunities to gather and learn from the Torah, through the vehicle of educational Torah-centered lectures, that should assist participants to align themselves with the goals and vision of the G-d of Israel [Ha'Shem], AHM [the nation and people of] Israel and the Land of Israel, in our generation. Our overall objective is to present the ongoing story of Israel's history and her future, which includes presenting the foundational belief in a coming Mashiach, first and foremo

- by Uriel ben-Mordechai -