- Novelist | The inspirational and uplifting works of Joe Kenogbon

Example domain paragraphs

What Is In A Biography?

I never thought my life was worth writing about. What is there to write about a bare-footed child in an oversized second-hand singlet with several rat-ridden holes? I am not an ace footballer, not a famous actor, and not from a famous family. I’m not the son of a millionaire or a powerful politician, but the son of a peasant farmer in a remote  African village . You must be brave to even contemplate writing about yourself! I could hear my mind telling me.

Everyone has a story to tell. No one is an accident of history. Unfortunately, many of us think we have nothing to say or write about ourselves. We feel we’re nobody just because we have not had national honours or we are not famous athletes, footballers or musicians. We don’t feel our life story is worth writing about since we’re unknown to the wider world.