- Notions on Art – Art History by Tanya Geercke

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Art History by Tanya Geercke

Viewing art, studying art and writing about art, gives me more pleasure than almost any other activity. It stimulates my senses, my emotions and engages my brain, but most of all it has the capacity to reach into me and warm my soul. Recently, it has inspired me to want to create art of my own and so I have embarked on an artistic journey, with the intention of finding my own creative voice and also to learn new skills, in particular how to use colour and paint.

I was a creative child which led to my studying fashion and textiles at art school. Afterwards I dabbled in art, taking drawing classes before becoming interested in black and white photography. I think that deep down I’ve always wanted to become an artist and if not now, when? Creative dabbling is not enough, I want to focus on producing something interesting and meaningful, something that represents me. My starting point is to look for inspiration and where else would I find this but in the art I love.