- | Not Coming to a Theater Near You

Description: 'Not Coming to a Theater Near You' is a film review website that assumes a bias towards older, often unpopular, and sometimes unknown films that merit a second look.

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In its nascent years was a decided acolyte to the genre writing of Danny Peary (Cult Movies and its two sequels, as well as Guide for the Film Fanatic), Michael Weldon (The Psychotronic Encyclopedia), and Video Watchdog. But there was already good company on the web:,, GreenCine Daily, Outlaw Vern, and Mike D’Angelo’s capsule reviews, to name but a few. Consequently, film writing saw a renaissance, christening an era in which criticism became more available and demo

This all began over fifteen years ago—long enough for films that have come in our tenure to have merited reconsideration. When we began we intended to shed light on cinema’s perimeters and make aware our readers of its great extent. And now this extent is as accessible as it has ever been. This is a great privilege for exploratory cineastes. But it diminishes the potency of our findings, and it is with this awareness that I announce that we are ceasing publication.

Vernon, Florida is a portrait of America’s fringes, a document of a place that seems to have remained endearingly beholden to archaic mores. This is a romantic pretense, however, and those who admire the film will almost certainly find the real-life Vernon to be far more mundane and less folksy, but its history uncharacteristically perverse and violent.

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