- Northumerland Window Cleaner

Description: Northumberland Window Cleaner

northumberland window cleaner (1)

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All Round Monthly Reliable Service * We clean 12 months of the year, we don't disappear before winter and return mid Spring ! *  You can be assured a secure & reliable ongoing service from us * We have the best Gortex clothing to clean in rain, & right gloves/fleeces/bodywarmers to clean in even the coldest of weather in Winter.  * Hiax army boots keep our feets roasty toasty & dry in winter. Joka Polar , sub-zero fleece mittins protect our pinkies Unique 'Pure-Water'Technology * What makes the magic happen

'Pure-Water' leaves no residue on your windows, and dries totally spot/streak free 

* We can work from the ground, up to 35ft in height with top of the range Gardiner Extreme Carbon Fibre Extendable poles. Three storey houses are no problem to do