- North Cadbury and Yarlington Parish Council

Description: The official website of North Cadbury and Yarlington Parish Council

agendas (188) minutes (152) woolston (7) south somerset (5) north cadbury parish council (1) north cadbury (1) yarlington (1) galhampton (1) north cadbury parish councillors (1) north cadbury parish council meetings (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Our Parish Council serves two civil parishes - North Cadbury (which incorporates Galhampton and Woolston) and Yarlington.  In practice the Parish Council treats the two parishes as a single whole, but in law they are separate and one can work independently of the other if it wishes to.  The Parish Clerk is the only official and is the best first point of contact for any Parish Council matter. The clerk works part time, therefore, please allow up to 48 hours for a response to any query.

The Parish Council considers all planning applications in its area.  On site meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month as a general rule with meetings commencing at 2.00pm.  Members of the public are very welcome to make their views known when they see planning application notices posted in the villages and are advised to contact the clerk in the first instance.  The Parish Council does not decide planning applications.  Its functions are to make the Planning Authority usually the district counc

In this area, parish councils have recently had to take over funding for the maintenance of sports and play grounds, the district council having decided that it will no longer contribute to these costs.