- Nordic Next | Zodiak

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The aim of the project is to develop artistic thinking and extend the production and performance cycle of contemporary dance in Nordic countries. In its current state, the initial production of dance works is expensive, life cycles are short, and few works find their way to wider dissemination and meet larger audiences. This project responds to this challenge.

Harri Kuorelahti: Artistic director, [email protected] Ari Tenhula: Managing director, [email protected]

Zodiak – Centre for New Dance is a key producer of and venue for contemporary choreographies and performances in Finland. Zodiak also actively engages in diverse outreach work that stems from Zodiak’s productions and the community of artists and participants around it. Zodiak’s program is artistically curated and primarily based on open applications. Zodiak is supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education, Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the City of Helsinki.