- Non Sequitur Chica

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  Goals for 2020

 Holy sh*t the last time that I posted was in late September? Well that's pretty sad. Work has slowed down a bit in the last month or so which means that I have had more down time at CP and I quickly making our way through the Queen's Gambit. Has anyone else watched that show on Netflix?

The biggest news around these parts is that we added a new addition to our family- a dog! For those of you that have been around long enough, you may remember Koda and Buster. About three years ago we lost Buster and at the time, I really wanted a pet but couldn't handle another dog. Instead we got the two cats, Marshmallow and Cocoa. They have been great, but they have bonded much more with CP than me, and they just aren't the same as a dog.