- Nomadic Love – Family Travel & Lifestyle Blog

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“Wait, you’re not gonna take the drugs?” a stranger says, who’d just overheard my conversation with a friend at a party, clearly noticing my soon-to-birth belly. “Nope, I don’t plan to..” Not that it’s any of her goddam business. “Oh trust me, when the time comes you’ll be SCREAMING for the epidural!!”. Hormones or not, I was just about ready to knock this b&#($ out… Read more →

When we first arrived in Vancouver, we wondered what the hell people did on the weekends. I mean, aside from heading out to the city, where were the road-tripping destinations? After all, not everyone comes here to travel indefinitely. There are others like us. Other ‘workers’ that can only zip away for the weekend for a quick recoup. But how far can you really get in a weekend? Well, we thought we’d buy our own second-hand car and test it out ourselves.. Read more →

I’m so used to seeing Hawaiian cliches, that I didn’t once think of what Hawai’i would be like without them. Having been to Oahu and Big Island (Hawai’i) before, I thought Kauai would be more of the same, but I was so wrong. Read more →

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