- Noferblatz

Example domain paragraphs

In summer of 2014, Google called for “HTTPS Everywhere”. Since that time, they’ve been skewing search results in favor of HTTPS sites, and scaring you about sites which aren’t encrypted on Chrome’s URL bar. The best reason for going along with this is one I found on a website advocating for the change: “Everybody’s doing it”. Apparently, Google’s motto has changed from “Don’t Be Evil” to “Be a sheep”. When the web was started decades ago, it was all about open standards proposed by people who didn’t particu

I don’t do “functional programming” for a living. I don’t know how to code in Haskell or OCaml. What I have to say here is based on doing some research on the topic. I could be wrong on some points. Fair warning. Functional programming is a programming paradigm. Certain languages implement this paradigm, but you can do functional programming in many languages not originally designed for it. There are some central ideas which characterize functional programming.

The principle thing driving my upgrade of the software to version 2.0 is handling the problem of someone taking down your blog. I happen to be politically incorrect, and in today’s toxic political environment, I can see someone taking down my blog for something they are offended by. I keep backups of all my articles offline. But that’s just the content. Outside the blog itself, I don’t keep track of the excerpts (now renamed “teasers”), the topics the posts fit into, the timestamp and the like.