- Noelle Huether – Sharing Visions From God

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The ultimate authority of truth is God’s Word, the Bible. The Bible is perfect without contradiction in the original manuscripts. As such, everything has to be reconciled to the Scriptures from Genesis 1:1 all the way through Revelation 22:21. Acts 2 proclaims men and women will prophecy, see visions and dream dreams as fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy in Joel 2:28-32. Many prophets, those sent by God as well as false prophets, have arisen since New Testament days and will continue to do so until Jesus return

I have chosen to share my visions from God to everyone, freely and openly, to proclaim Jesus is Lord, God’s love is available to everyone through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and everyone can have a personal relationship with God. Jesus promised that He talks to those who follow Him in John 10:16 and John 10:27. I encourage you to seek diligently for God’s truth. When you do, He promises He will be found by you (Jeremiah 29:12-13, Isaiah 55:1-3, Hebrews 11:6).

Below are visions I have received from Jesus and God the Father. As you read, for simplicity’s sake, all quotes are either from Father or Jesus unless stated otherwise. The rest is what I am experiencing, thinking or saying. Also, for ease of reading, many times “man”, “mankind” etc are used referring to all people regardless of gender.