- NodeChakra

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Our logo represents the tryst of fate aligned with our karma through the cycle of life and death. The two foremost mathematical nodes in space are Rahu (the North node) and Ketu (the South node). Rahu, the ascending node represents obsession and confusion in the materialistic world and Ketu, the descending node represents karmic collections- both good and bad. It is between these nodes whose symbols form the outer ring of our logo, that ones’ entire destiny gets chalked out.

We depict all the governing aspects of our lives such as the sun (soul), the moon (mind) and other important celestial bodies which are enveloped by the two salient nodes. Together they form the Navgraha Mandala, which is the foundation of Indian Vedic Astrology as we know it.

Soumitra is a renowned Nakshatra Nadi astrologer, who as a child prodigy has had insights since he was barely three years old. Even at that tender age he was drawn to the shastras and over the years has gained an impressive command of ancient scriptures such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, all 18 Puranas and the Gita. He originally hails from Kolkata and is currently based out of Delhi NCR. He has examined several thousand kundlis of people as well as businesses, from around the world.

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