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Every few years, crypto gets a rude awakening about the importance of the ethos at its heart: decentralization and self-custody. We all know the mantra “Not your keys, not your coins”, but in “good times” short memory, greed, or a combination of both make some forget and think “This time it’s different”.

I love clichés. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been looking for rules that can explain “everything”. Clichés are clichés because they are universal. They are (mostly) timeless and (mostly) true everywhere (across cultures). They are so self-evident and obviously true, that “everyone” keeps repeating them, even centuries after they were first articulated.

Better questions help us think more deeply, critically and creatively, expanding our perspective and leading to more innovative and effective solutions. Additionally, better questions can help us to engage more fully with the problem at hand, clarify our thinking and focus our efforts. Asking the right questions results in fully aligned project goals, values and vision.

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