- Nios4 | No-Code Platform for iOS and Android Management App development

Description: Management software in cloud for company, for bills, stock, estimates and appointments management, available on Windows, iOS and Android

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Example domain paragraphs

Click here to write us \n \nI suggest you to immediately watch these useful Video Tutorials:\n \n \nLogin to the Cloud from all your devices: Watch the video and find out how.\n \n \nImport your data to always have it with you: Watch the video and find out how.\n \n \nSee you soon,\n \n \nSilvia Pirondini\n \nD-One customer care manager","email_template_account":"Privacy Account Management","email_template_download_app":"Download app","email_template_footer_address":"Via Genova 12, 41012 Carpi (MO) - Italy

Nios4 is a platform to develop data management systems and App low code that allows you to create and resell customized app, ready to use, in few minutes, without having to be a programmer.

Download the platform on your device or sign in from the Web and choose from one of the templates already available, to be immediately operational in the management of your data or use it as a starting point to create your database completely customized according to your Professional needs