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Filmmaker, cinematographer & photographer, with Master's degree in Literature, he is Head of Communications & PR at the San Antonio de los Baños Film School, 

Cuba, where he works since 2007, and where he was a disciple of Nobel Prize Gabriel García Márquez. With production company Galaxia 311 , he has photographed, 

produced and written feature films premiered at A-Class festivals, among them The Dragon Defense, premiered at the Quinzaine  des Réalisateurs, Cannes, 2017.  He directed The Woman with the 7 Names, best documentary at several Festivals , and recently released Window of Time, filmed in Antarctica with the support of NASA. As a DoP he worked in A Film about Couples by Natalia Cabral & Oriol Estrada with several prizes in Festivals such as Biarritz Gijón and Rome.