- Nina Hartley Movies

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Bio: Porn Star Nina Hartley is one of the best-loved, most highly respected sex stars of any era, a beautiful and outspoken woman who's not afraid to speak up for herself and her chosen career. She's a starlet who loves her work -- and it shows. Nina Hartley's a big-breasted blonde with a nice body and one of the greatest backsides to ever grace a porno flick. Her infectious smile and vivacious personality bring a sense of fun to each sex role she takes. When the action heats up, Nina Hartley's right there

Nina Hartley was attending San Francisco State University and dancing in clubs when she was approached by producer Juliet Anderson in March 1984. She merrily made the leap into hardcore, debuting in 84's 'Educating Nina' at the age of 19. She hit the big time with featured performances in 'Debbie Does Dishes' and 'Every Woman Has A Fantasy.' Before long, she was one of the hardest-working women in the biz. To date, Nina Hartley has been in almost 500 features, and she's still going strong. Her best film was

An outspoken critic of censorship, Nina Hartley tours the country giving lectures at colleges about her unique and quite strong views on sexuality, feminism and pornography.

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