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Lessons learned from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  As a child, I used to read a book a day during the school year. This wasn’t the result of any school initiated program, my love affair with reading started at a young age. One day, after a visit from my cousins, I discovered that one of them had left a copy of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at my house. Of course, I got comfortable with the book and devoured it. Dare I say it was life-changing? . . .  Read more

Nilwona: A True Story. I am in a season of transition, and it has resulted in quite a bit of personal reflection and inventory. At various times in the past few months, I have been given opportunities to share bits and pieces of my story with others. It never fails, people are amazed at the things I share  . . . Read more

Freedom or Bust.   It was a cold and rainy night in early February. I stood in the dark, on the property of Mr. Jacob Burkle, whose home was a depot on the Underground Railroad. I shivered from the cold but also from a fear that had suddenly come over me from out of nowhere. Was I as safe as I thought I was, or was my safety most definitely in jeopardy? I was beginning to rethink my decision . . . Read more

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