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I am Nicolas Boileau. I live work and photograph in Detroit. I consciously choose to be lovably abrasive and laughably vain. My favorite book is Catcher in the Rye. My favorite part is when he talks and talks, about a mile a minute, non-stop; yes the whole book is my favorite part about the book because that's the way my mind works. You're looking at a bit of my brain, the part that won't shut the hell up, even at six in the morning. I don't know what that part of the brain is called; you'll notice that neu

If you've arrived looking for a cocksure poet who died 400 years ago you're in luck because I am like him but better . Concurrently, if you're not impressed it's because I'm not particularly trying to impress you. If this site looks jumbled and confusing, you might need to update your browser. If it still looks jumbled and confusing, it's because you are a designer, and I am a developer. In other words, you paint and move the furniture, while I build it, or depending on the budget, build the machines that b

All content property of Nicolas Boileau unless otherwise noted ( credits ), © 2008 - 2023

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