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ross-pollination [kros -pol- uh - NEY -sh uh n ] n: interaction or interchange, as between two or more fields of activity or knowledge, that is mutually beneficial and productive

I love being a writer. I love the upward domino effect of learning about new things—the way interviewing a eco-immunologist leads to profiling a beekeeper, then to becoming a beekeeper myself. Everything you learn informs and enriches the rest of what you do, including your quality of conversations with others. Cross pollination. It's the opposite of the silo.

On the journalism side I've contributed features, profiles, narratives, and essays to  Conde Nast Traveler, NPR, Sports Illustrated, Boston Magazine, Health, Psychology Today, Parenting, Men's Journal, ELLE,  Self, and others. Studying at the Columbia University School of Journalism left me with an ironclad respect for good research, clear and interesting sentences, and deadlines.

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