- World Streets: The Politics of Transport in Cities

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Insights and contributions from leading thinkers & practitioners around the world

Today marks the fifth anniversary edition of World Streets. Our first number appeared on 31 March 2009 with an opening message by the editor -- click here -- announcing the targets, intent and proposed method of this new collaborative media venture. On the same day we published our Mission Statement -- Say Goodbye to Old Mobility --  which you can read here . Today we would like to spend a few minutes with you to review  the accomplishments and, yes!,  the shortcomings and disappointments  of these first fi

This is short report was submitted by the participants of the city of Amsterdam in the 20 February 2014 workshop in the Utrecht for the project Going Dutch: Carshare Strategies for Cities being carried out by the KpVV (think tank of the Dutch ministry of transport) in cooperation with EcoPlan.  The latest draft report on that meeting and the recommendations of those present from a cross-section of Dutch cities and agencies is available in our project library at Your comment and suggest