- Project de-risking for high-stakes projects... using Minesweeper software

Description: You can de-risk and accelerate your high-stakes projects using AIM's project de-risking methodology and Minesweeper software.

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A big benefit: When you think of your big high-stakes projects, do you have a sense of peace… a feeling of complete confidence? Or do you recall past project disasters? With our project de-risking methodology, your team has an “insurance policy,” so you’ll either win big… or kill your project quickly. (For more context, view the video above, or download the white paper, Innovating in Unfamiliar Markets .)

A second benefit: Minesweeper software lets you communicate project risk clearly to management, and intelligently engage them in investment decisions. No more, “trust us… this will be just fine.” Here’s a sample of the report your teams can generate with Minesweeper ® software to update management on their progress.

Most companies treat high-stakes projects as “risky” when they should treat them as “uncertain.” Risk is the probability of a negative occurrence. When you first decide to pursue an unfamiliar market, you don’t know enough to assign this probability: You simply are uncertain. Good project de-risking is really a learning process… moving from uncertainty to certainty.