- Eyes Up, Look Ahead – Exploration of a career change: turning love of biking into livelihood

Description: Exploration of a career change: turning love of biking into livelihood

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Exploration of a career change: turning love of biking into livelihood

I recently did a mountain bike race with a friend, who had crashed out and quit part way through. When I found out that the crash hadn’t precluded him from carrying on, I innocently asked why he’d stopped, and he got defensive about it. So then I asked him why he was getting so defensive (I can be really annoying), and he said he didn’t know – since the only reason was that he’d just felt done for the day and had nothing to gain by carrying on.

Another friend of mine quit a trail marathon a while back. When I asked her why, she said she had good reason – it was a C race for her, it was pouring down, she was soaked head to toe and freezing just a few miles in and just didn’t think it was fun anymore. She quit out of misery; she knows it was the right thing for her to do at the time; but she’s still “bummed I quit”.