- Newburgh Preservation Association

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In the spring of 2009, the Newburgh Preservation Association considered developing a deeper principals statement that would underlie the work we do in the City and what our organization stands for. The more we considered it, the more we thought the Charter for a New Urbanism, developed in 1995 by the Congress for a New Urbanism (CNU), set out a series of principals that are synchronous with ours. We therefore have adopted it as our Principles Statement. Please read through the Charter and visit

Consider joining our organization and become active in our efforts to re-constitute Newburgh as one of the jewels of the Hudson River Valley through preservation of its historic buildings, streets and parks. There is a lot of work to do. The more people who are involved, the faster our work will be completed.

Newburgh Preservation Association (NPA) is dedicated to the promotion and protection of the architectural heritage and historic view sheds of Newburgh, New York.

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