- Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroimaging and Stimulation

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Principal Investigator: Travis E. Baker, PhD

The Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroimaging and Stimulation employs multimodal neuroimaging techniques, involving both typical and atypical populations, to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying a range of psychological phenomena. Our research focuses on reinforcement learning and decision making, cognitive control, and spatial navigation, as mediated by a network of brain systems including anterior cingulate cortex, the midbrain dopamine system, the basal ganglia, and parahippocampal cortex. Please vis

The central goal of our research program is threefold: 1) Advance our scientific knowledge of the neural and cognitive mechanisms that underlie cognitive control and memory 2) Optimize neuroimaging methods and experimental design to better identify and characterize these functions in the brain 3) Understand how these functions are disrupted in clinical populations in order to improve psychiatric care.