- Net Scope Wire

Description: News Blog

Example domain paragraphs

News writing is to deliver news most effectively and attractively. A hard news and a feature story may look different but it would not change the basic layout of news writing. There has to be, what is popularly known as, 5W’s and an H to complete news. The sequence of what, when, where, who, why and how may be different depending upon what is more important and what could attract the viewers more. For example if the news matter has Hollywood or White House as location then “where” should take the prominent

A news story starts flowing with the most important at the top and the least important at the bottom. The sequence is then made up of a headline, a lede, the news proper, comments and quotes. This is called an inverted pyramid structure.

Headline must be highly attractive so that the eyes of a reader taking a cursory view of a newspaper or online news freeze on it instantly. 99% readers read selective news. They go through the entire gamut and select a few to savour. Readers have to manage their time. Headline such as “How the Waste was Won” or “Coalition Government future imperfect” make perfect headline which seldom a few would like to avoid.

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