- nerdburn

Example domain paragraphs

January 4, 2022

So, I’m super late to the party on this, but I’m telling myself I'm just fashionably entering as things are heating up — not like, missing out on the action late. Whatever helps the FOMO 😜 What looked to me like a hot bed of shit-coin speculation and libertarian anti-government idealism seems to have evolved into a fascinating community of makers, artists, and builders. I don’t know exactly when it happened (maybe it was there all along). I had my head down building a product studio and making web2 things.

I’ve seen a few webs – I got my first paid gig writing code at 14 years old, in 1995 when the internet felt fresh, information was free, and nobody used their real name. Strangers would chat on ICQ or AIM and spin up web sites together, sharing FTP access (no GitHub or version control) — aligned by the stoke of creating the future. People were exuberant (perhaps irrationally ie 1999 when the dot-com bubble burst). I feel like I'm picking up on some of that early energy again in podcasts, newsletters, and on

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