- Nepal Embassy India

Description: This was the Nepal Embassy in New Delhi, India's website in the late 1990's. The content is from its archived pages.

Example domain paragraphs

Nepal is a multiethnic and multilingual Hindu Kingdom. People belonging to many different ethnic groups live in Nepal. Similarly, people belonging to various ethnic groups speak different languages. Although Nepal is a Hindu Kingdom, people belonging to different religions also live in Nepal. Nepal is known for unity among diversity. People belonging to different religion, cast/ethnic groups and mother tongue live in harmony. Nepal is not only known for geographical diversity, but slso equally known for its

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PAGE CONTAINS SELECTIVE ARCHIVED CONTENT FROM THE ORIGINAL SITE. Consider the information on this site for its historical value. Many thanks to SpinMaestro, Doug Eberly, and Scot Locket for their assistance in reconstituting this archive. Since the site will not be exactly as you remember it, please be indulgent. Now let's take a nostalgic stroll back to about 1997 when Dr. Bhekh B. Thapa was the Nepalese Ambassador to India.

Nepal’s Foreign Policy is a difficult, serious and sensitive subject owing to its geopolitics and underdevelopment. As everywhere and always, external security is the object of its search. So , far as Nepal is concerned, under development and the geopolitical position are the first harsh realities at the base of national security. Landlockedness is an additional handicap ( Y.N. Khanal, Essays in Nepal’s foreign Affairs, P.1.) Nepal is surrounded by land in all its sides, China in the north and India in all