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Description: Nelra

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Nepal Leprosy Relief Association(NELRA) is a social voluntary organization actively involved in the welfare of  leprosy patients. NELRA was founded in 1969 under the chairmanship of Her Royal Highness Princes Shanti Rajya Laxmi Devi Singh with the objectives of helping the leprosy patients, their families and ultimately aiming at solving the overall problems created by leprosy in Nepal.

There were two leprosaria in Nepal. One in the valley of Kathmandu called Khokana leprosarium and the other at Malunga in Syanja district of western Nepal. There was no effective treatment curing leprosy prior to 1982. As such, the patients used to be segregated in isolated colonies called lerposaria. With this end in view Khokana leprosarium was opened in 1857 and Malunga leprosarium in 1939. However, Malunga leprosarium was  vacated in 1993 after the patients rehabilitated in the community and some disabl

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