- Neighborhood Nursing Care

special needs (789) respite (178) redwood city (138) home health agency (70) san mateo county (38) developmentally disabled (22) independent living skills (4) in home respite (3) neighborhood nursing care (1) neighborhood nursing (1)

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Welcome to Neighborhood Nursing Care Providing respite care and licensed services throughout San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.

Respite is a gift of time Time for running errands, relaxing, pursuing other interests, and strengthening relationships with family members and friends is essential for all parents. Respite services can provide relief and can help all family members feel energized, including the person with special needs who spends time with their personal respite care provider. Neighborhood Nursing Care is vendorized with Golden Gate and San Andreas Regional Centers to provide in-home respite care to families.

Some families require a specific licensed service Neighborhood Nursing Care received their home health agency licensing in August of 2003 and is Medi-cal certified to bring skilled home nursing and health-related services to families in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Care is coordinated by skilled and compassionate nurses with an expertise in working with families of special needs children who are medically involved or require more specialized care.