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Each active VEC is invited to join the NCVEC, and actively participate. The NCVEC holds an annual conference, usually near the end of July. The location is chosen to facilitate interaction with the various FCC personnel involved in Amateur Radio licensing, since Gettysburg is where the FCC Licensing Division offices are situated. Various FCC officials and staffers are invited to this meeting, and their participation is both welcomed and appreciated. The NCVEC is governed by a body of elected officers consis

Each active VEC is invited to join the NCVEC, and actively participate. The NCVEC holds an annual conference, usually near the end of July.

The location is chosen to facilitate interaction with the various FCC personnel involved in Amateur Radio licensing, since Gettysburg is where the FCC Licensing Division offices are situated. Various FCC officials and staffers are invited to this meeting, and their participation is both welcomed and appreciated.

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