- Nuno Costa - Web Developer

Description: Personal page of Nuno Costa, a Informatics Engineer with a Master Degree in Informatics Engineering

html (17785) css (13357) portugal (3373) braga (250) lei (138) uminho (3) nuno costa informatics engineering university of minho

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Master Degree in Informatics Engineering

Greetings! My name is Nuno Costa and I'm a seasoned web developer with a passion for crafting digital experiences that leave a lasting impression. With over 15 years of hands-on experience, I've honed my skills as a versatile developer, proficient in both backend and frontend technologies. My journey began with a fascination for coding, and I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the web from its early days to its current dynamic state. Throughout my career, I've embraced the challenges of web

Frontend Development: In the world of frontend development, I'm a proficient navigator. I take pride in my ability to turn creative designs into interactive and responsive web applications. Whether it's crafting pixel-perfect layouts or enhancing user experiences, I thrive on making the web come alive. I've worked extensively with modern frontend libraries and frameworks like React and Vue.js, building sleek and intuitive user interfaces that engage and delight users.