- National Cryosphere Desert Data Center

Description: 本平台为国家科技基础条件平台之一,为所有用户提供数据、模型、工具和资源的开放共享,让数据在共享中产生更大的社会价值。平台主要与特殊环境与灾害数据中心(天山冰川观测研究站、格尔木冻土综合观测研究站、东川泥石流综合观测研究站、三峡滑坡综合观测研究站、南极中山综合观测研究站、南极长城综合观测研究站)和特殊功能数据中心(青海瓦里关大气本底观测站、上甸子大气本底观测站、临安大气本底观测站、黑龙江龙凤山大气本底观测站)对接,当前已上传水土保持、气象、冻土、冰川、极地、泥石流、水文、遥感等各类数据近两千条,并包含数据模型和科普等内容,未来将持续更新

生态环境 (30) 模型库 (7) 冰川 (6) 沙漠 (6) 气候 (4) 冻土 (2) 积雪 (2) 冰冻圈 (2) 环境灾害 (2) 极端环境 (2)

Example domain paragraphs

In most parts of the Antarctic and Arctic, the temperature rarely rises above 0 ℃. The frozen landscape there is made up of different types of ice.

The Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the largest plateau in China and the highest altitude in the world, known as the 'roof of the world' and 'the third pole'.

The atmosphere is the air that surrounds the earth. But the weather, speaking from the phenomenon, is mostly the result of the moisture change in the atmosphere.

Links to (6)